
About Me
Planning to Start a Family

Three years ago, I underwent surgery to remove seven fibroids from my uterus. The largest one was the size of a baseball. Because I hadn’t started a family at this time, I was extremely apprehensive about the effects the surgery might have on my fertility. I was relieved when my gynecologist told me my ability to have children shouldn’t have been compromised by the surgery. Now, at the age of thirty-six, my husband and I are finally ready to start a family. I’ve been researching ways for women who’ve had uterine fibroids surgically removed in the past to improve their fertility chances. On this blog, you will discover the latest fertility treatments available for women who’ve underwent surgical procedures on their uteruses.

Women’s Health: How to Prevent Heavy Periods & Tell if Your Flow Is Excessive

16 September 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Heavy periods are one of the reasons that women visit their gynecologist, but how do you know that your flow is heavier than normal? The following guide will reveal a few signs that your flow is too heavy, which can lead to things like iron deficiency. And you will also learn a few natural ways to prevent an irregular flow, too. 2 Natural Ways To Prevent Irregular Menstruation The following are two natural foods that may help keep your monthly visitor healthy and regular: Read More …

HPV And Cervical Cancer: What Women Of All Ages Need To Know

25 June 2015
 Categories: , Blog

The American Cancer Society reports that that human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most likely cause of cervical cancer in women, although it can also cause other cancers, including vulvar, vaginal, penile, anal and mouth and throat. HPV is very serious and it is important to become knowledgeable of the virus and the primary cancer that it can cause. Read on to learn more. How Do You Even Get HPV? What Are the Signs? Read More …