Five Things Expectant Moms Can Do To Manage Morning Sickness

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Planning to Start a Family

Three years ago, I underwent surgery to remove seven fibroids from my uterus. The largest one was the size of a baseball. Because I hadn’t started a family at this time, I was extremely apprehensive about the effects the surgery might have on my fertility. I was relieved when my gynecologist told me my ability to have children shouldn’t have been compromised by the surgery. Now, at the age of thirty-six, my husband and I are finally ready to start a family. I’ve been researching ways for women who’ve had uterine fibroids surgically removed in the past to improve their fertility chances. On this blog, you will discover the latest fertility treatments available for women who’ve underwent surgical procedures on their uteruses.

Five Things Expectant Moms Can Do To Manage Morning Sickness

13 October 2016
 Categories: , Blog

One of the telltale signs of pregnancy is the nausea that arises during the first trimester. Known as morning sickness, many expectant mothers know that it can occur morning, noon, and night. If morning sickness is plaguing your pregnancy, follow these tips to help alleviate your symptoms.

1. Keep Food on the Stomach at All Times

Many mothers find that having an empty stomach is just asking for their nausea to rear its ugly head. Try to keep always have a little bit of food in the stomach. For example, before you begin your day, eat a few small crackers while you are still in bed.

Throughout the rest of the day, enjoy multiple healthy snacks and meals to keep something in your stomach.

2. Listen to Food Aversions

Some women find that even the mention of certain types of food brings about pangs of nausea. Others are bothered by the smell. If your body is repulsed at the thought of a particular food, listen to your body. Forcing yourself to eat something that sounds unappealing is just begging for your morning sickness to kick in.

Ask your obstetrician for healthy alternatives if an entire food group sounds unappetizing. For example, many women have aversions to meat during their pregnancies. Other protein sources include complete whole grains, dairy products, eggs, nuts, and Greek yogurt.

3. Get Adequate Rest

The symptoms of morning sickness are exasperated when you do not get enough sleep. Many women find that they need at least seven to nine hours of nighttime sleep in addition to an afternoon nap. Even closing your eyes for 15 minutes may help reduce pangs of nausea.

4. Consider Taking Anti Nausea Medication

If nausea is interfering with your life, ask your obstetrician if prescription medication is appropriate for your situation. There are a few different pills used during pregnancy to better manage nausea, such as Reglan, Phenergan, and Zofran. Possible side effects include drowsiness, constipation, and dry mouth.

5. Stay Hydrated

Keeping your body hydrated is one way to fight morning sickness. Unfortunately, some women have an aversion to plain water during pregnancy. Try infusing the water with fruit or vegetables, such as lemon, cucumber, or strawberries. Other healthy options include watered down fruit juice, milk, and decaffeinated tea. Some women find that drinking ginger ale or eating ginger chews helps alleviate nausea pangs.

Fruits, especially juicy ones, are another way to improve hydration levels. Watermelon, melon, and grapes are a few water-rich options that help give the body the fluids it needs.

Though it is temporary, morning sickness during pregnancy can be crippling. Try out one or all of these tips to better manage your symptoms. For more information, talk to a professional like Desert Rose OBGYN PC.